
The 7-week Sabbath Course is about reconnecting with what matters most to you.

Long before 24/7 living, there was 24/6. A weekly ritual of making sacred space for connection and renewal, of Sabbath — no work, no plans, offline. Just being.

Join others from around the country in the next Sabbath Course as we explore and practice together, inspired by an interfaith, personal approach to this universal tradition.

Each week, you’ll get:

  • Balance — Find space to listen and remember your truths.
  • Connection — Go with the flow and enjoy precious moments with loved ones.
  • Presence — Step away from technology and the demands of life to simply be.

What if everyone took time every week to rest and renew? Would the world be a better place?

100% of students “can imagine how Sabbath serves the world.”

Through fun weekly activities, community gatherings online and your own practice, you’ll remember what it feels like to look forward to each week. It just might change your life

Get started:  Download the Sabbath Course Overview or browse the FAQ.

Want to join the next community course? Check here for future course dates. Registration currently closed.

Photo by Aaron Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Course Overview

Exploring this practice in the community of others, you’ll find more balance, feel more connected and enjoy more presence on Sabbath—and likely the other 6 days of the week!

When — No virtual Sabbath Courses are currently scheduled

  • 6:30-7:30 p.m. PST on Friday nights

What — The course includes:

sabbath circle candle Group Video Calls — Sabbath Circles are on Zoom include students, plus a few auditors, 7 Friday nights in a row. They’re facilitated to virtually check-in with others about the past week, give thanks and blessings, learn and discuss topics related to rest, and set intentions for the weekend.

meaningful weekly activitiesMeaningful Weekly Activities — Each week you’ll complete a 15-30 min. activity designed with your full life in mind! Complete the activity before our Sabbath Circle to consider and prepare for the 7 topics related to observing Sabbath and building it into a cherished practice for you.

DIY sabbath boxDIY Sabbath Box — The course is designed to introduce you to the essentials of Sabbath from various traditions. One tool you’ll create is a Sabbath box — a place to hold items for your opening and closing rituals, as well as things that need to take a rest (like our Smart Phones!).

weekly remindersSupportive Weekly Email Reminders & Resources — It’s easy to stay on track with the course. You’ll get an email at the beginning of the week with the activity and resources, and then a reminder email before the weekly Friday night call.

happy sabbath private facebook groupOptional Facebook Group — Happy Sabbath is a private Facebook group for current and former Sabbath Circles attendees to connect and inspire one another’s practices. A great place to talk about struggles or get tips and ideas! It’s optional since not everybody is on Facebook.

weekly sabbath practice time for beingYour Own Weekly Sabbath Practice — This is the best part of the whole course! Your time off each week. This may be a day or an hour—whatever works best for you. You’ll find rest to balance out effort and reconnection to yourself, your family, your community, and your sense of Spirit.

Learn more

No virtual Sabbath Courses are currently scheduled. In the meantime, download the Sabbath Course Overview or browse the FAQ.

Practicing Sabbath has had a positive and significant impact on my personal growth and spiritual exploration. When we married last year, my husband and I included Sabbath in our vows. We knew we wanted to grow a family and life together that’s balanced, intentional and true to us. This course helped us practice. — Eva DeCesaro, Student

If you have more questions, schedule a 15-min. chat with Jules to learn more.