News from Jules | 12.14.20 | Getting Everything You Want

one lesson about integrity every week

I thought I bought a Yin Yang sticker on Etsy, but when it arrived, I realized it was a decal—meant for a car, not for paper. Oops. The black side was actually white and the typically white side, well, didn’t exist. Double oops. 

I wanted to cover up some random text inside a circle on the cover of my journal. It was regifted from a best friend, as I recall a find from her previous San Francisco China Town thrifting days. A circular Yin Yang symbol seemed perfect to represent this year’s theme: Balance. 

But would the decal even attach? First, I needed something to go underneath.

My sticky fingers smooshed the tissue paper so that it wrinkled, no longer smooth but textured like paper pulp with flecks of gold leaf, which made the text beneath illegible. ​Then, holding my breath, I peeled back the two sides of the decal and slowly adhered the Yang and narrow outline of the Yin sides. The faded journal immediately went from dingy to delightful. I found two rhinestones randomly in my craft basket and stuck one on each of the elephant’s foreheads as a bindi. It was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! 

When first gifted the journal, I totally judged it by the cover. Then by its square shape. It did not look like my favorite journals at all. I considered Goodwill. But, the thought did count and I put it in with my extra office supplies. 

Everybody knows I love to write and reflect. Most people know I’ve journaled since I was 15 years old. 

So I have received hundreds of diaries, journals and notebooks in my lifetime. Most of which I never used. Some went in my office supplies crate to maybe use someday, many were regifted, the rest sadly went to Goodwill. 

I have a very specific size, cover, lined width, weight of paper and brand that I prefer.

So when I finished the last page of my favorite journal during my first year of Buy Nothing in 2016, I had an “Oh sugar” moment. Would I go months until the end of the year without journaling, without writing anything? 

The unthinkable became the inevitable. I used one of the journals I already had. The first of several since I continued Buy Nothing for three more years (from 2016 to 2019). A poignant lesson about one’s perception of scarcity because only one exact thing will do. When in reality there’s often abundance all around us. And all that’s even needed is sufficiency. 

Around the time last summer that my most recent journal was running out, I received the square one from my bestie.

Just when I needed one! 

The universe provides. 

And I used it, even though I still didn’t like the cover.  

Last weekend, as I admired the newly embellished journal, I realized there were only 15 pages left. Oh no! It was too beautiful to be finished. My first thought was to not write, to save the paper, to make it last longer.

I felt attached.

But in clinging to it, I would deprive myself of doing something I love, of joy, of self-care. 

The irony made me laugh. It was too perfect. Nonattachment is one of the many lessons about Balance that I need to learn this growth cycle. 

I thought attachment meant literally being attached—the grasping for, the clinging to—so nonattachment just meant NOT being attached. But when I looked up the Buddhist meaning, it was actually about desire. Not wanting things at all. 

Because desire causes suffering. 

I have come a long way in my relationship to money, to stuff, to resources, to other people, to myself, but this is hard to imagine. Not wanting anything, not needing anything at all?

What if it’s not the wanting that causes suffering? What if it’s the rejecting, the not receiving what’s actually being provided, that causes suffering?

The unmet need or want that festers. 

Instead, letting needs and wants be met, fulfilled, satisfied.

Getting everything you want. Everything you need. 

And if not, letting it go. 

Once again, in balance with what is. 

Maybe that’s nonattachment. 

May you allow all of your needs to be met this week. 


I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

News from Jules | 11.30.20 | Stay Connected

one lesson about integrity every week

Just hearing her voice and the barrage of throwback, PG-rated Midwestern colloquialisms at her faulty FaceTime connection filled me with joy. Golly gee willikers! 

I realized just how deeply I’d missed this best friend* since she left for graduate school on the East Coast five months ago. 

Of course, there was a hole. This was my go-to-gal for the year and a half before she moved away. After 15 years being out of touch. Seeds planted in a fast friendship Freshman year of college. 

I nestled into Butterscotch for the handful of spare minutes we had before the special Thanksgiving Day yoga class started. I kept guiltily looking up to check the digital clock on the stove. I knew she was taking time away from her family on the holiday. 

Scared to see the time and simultaneously relieved to see many more minutes left. Somehow conversations with best friends transcend time. Somehow one minute lasts 300 seconds. 

And I was grasping for every extra-long minute. 

When class started streaming, it was immediately just like Sunday mornings once-upon-a-time last year, the two of us sitting on our mats front-and-center before this favorite yoga teacher in the attic studio.

Even through a laptop screen the adorably youthful and yet wildly wise teacher immediately enraptured all of us with her quotes from Mark Nepo, her giggles, her rhetorical questions. It was as disarming as always. 

“What does enoughness mean to you?”

“What keeps you from the energy of gratitude?”

“Who are you and what would you do without the grasping?” 

Between still breaths of meditation, quiet moments of guided journaling, and fast flows from hard-to-harder-to-hardest poses, I noticed how connected I felt. To the teacher and all the invisible classmates, including my best friend. 

Not only could my body remember what it was like to flow together in-person, I sensed the presence of my best friend right there in my apartment.

Sitting propped up on the pastel Mexican yoga blanket—a hand-me-down from her. Touching the thick pulpy pages of my journal—a gift from her. Surprisingly rising up into Baby Grasshopper pose—in her colorful hand-me-down yoga leggings. 

I also noticed: I was wearing my favorite hand-me-down sweater from my sister. Another best friend’s art on long-term loan hung on my wall. Near the fancy french armchairs from my childhood home. 

I was surrounded by the energy of my relationships. While it was not as immediate, as close, as I’d prefer them to be, it was enoughIt was plenty. 

As we took our final closing breaths, hands pressed together at our hearts, there was less of a hole. More of a whole. 

According to the Yoga Journal, “Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another.”

That we are all connected. 

That we are always connected. 

No matter what keeps us apart. 

May your holes feel holy this week.


*Some people might have one, superlative best friend. I have nine, currently. It is a different type of connection with a different type of friend. One that transcends time or distance. And doesn’t go away, even if it is discontinued. I wish that we were as loving, as kind, as giving, as honest, as attentive to all of our friends. To anyone that we interact with. But, we’re not there yet. For now, we gratefully practice with our “best” friend(s). 

I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

News from Jules | 07.23.2018 | How Do We Heal Well?

one lesson about integrity every week

Last week my family spread my Mother’s ashes in a place that was special to us and her, a nearby mountain she had climbed 15 times by the time she was 28 years old and started having the three of us kids.

Losing her 15 years ago was a sudden and deep wound. And the recovery was long and deep.

Last Wednesday, my eyes and heart sobbed as deeply as the day her spirit left us.

As the ashes lingered on my finger tips then caught the wind in a tiny poof, I could feel the solid mountain beneath my feet.

Deep breaths. Still moments. 

beautiful blessing by John O’Donohue shared out loud sealing a universal ritual in a sacred place.

“May perpetual light shine upon 
the ashes of all who rest here.”

I was able to easily flow from this moment into the next—sharing snacks and champagne on a picnic table with her grandkids—recovered to a normal state.

This is what we patiently seek.

Healing is a process of becoming whole again. 

We think of it as slow or fast, but it’s actually timeless.

Sometimes healing takes years before we reach integrity again—for us to be unimpaired, undivided.

Over the past several weeks since my bike accident, I’ve been in awe watching my body do what it naturally knows how to do: heal itself. My job: to stay out of the way. 

How do we heal well?

I’ve been acutely aware of the stages of healing and inspired to write a blog post about how we can move through the stages of healing more gracefully and easily.

“The healing process is remarkable and complex, and it is also susceptible to interruption due to local and systemic factors…When the right healing environment is established, the body works in wondrous ways to heal and [revitalize itself],” say the medical professionals.

Now that the scabs are gone, skin grown back, bruises faded and I’m walking and running again it appears that I’m all better.

But, I’m not.

There is still pain with certain movements, fatigue from too much use and instability in my balance.

More patience, more healing.

That’s why the recovery stage is such a surprisingly difficult stage in healing. The process of returning to a normal state.

But what is a normal state?

When everything is so healed that there are no cracks, no weakness? As if it never happened?

I don’t think so.

Perhaps the normal state is when our renewed strength is challenged, yet remains stable.

This does not mean we are unbreakable. Wouldn’t that be nice?

But we are whole again.

What all is healing in you?

Is it getting the space and attention it needs at the stage that it’s at?

So that even amidst the continuous and constant healing process of living, you feel glued together—not broken.

May this week continue to heal all that is recovering in you.


I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

News from Jules | 07.16.2018 | I Have a Gift for You.

one lesson about integrity every week

Receiving is one of the deepest forms of presence.

This is the real gift.

Not what is received.

But the stillness of that moment beholding that what is given is exactly what is needed.

This takes an open heart and open hands.

And a little bit of sneakiness on the part of the universe, I think.

This happened to me today. Maybe it’s happening to you right now!

It’s becoming a familiar feeling. A gentle sense of delight that feels like washing your hands in perfectly warm water.

It’s been happening to me a lot lately.

More than usual?

Well, that’s a bit of a trick question, isn’t it?

One of my big takeaways from reading To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink earlier this year was:

We are always making offers. Not because we’re in constant exchange (though we are) and not because we’re transacting (what we commonly think of as “selling”) which we might be. Exchange comes with the expectation of receipt, whereas offering is part of relating: showing up in the world and seeing others, feeling connected, thus offering something you have that they need.

Offerings are constant, they’re happening all the time. A hello, a text message asking “What’s up?,” space to change lanes in heavy traffic, the last chipful of guacamole, a door being opened, undivided attention, getting treated to ice cream, an invitation to hang out, words of wisdom, or a hand-me-down dress.

That’s what happened to me today.

When I stopped by to help out with a couple things at my friends’ house, there was a note and a dress on the counter.

“Oh wow, I was just thinking this weekend how I needed more than one casual summer dress,” I beamed to myself.  

Since starting my Buy Nothing experiment in 2016 (initially a year, now going on three) I have been given many clothes.

All offered—no expectation of anything in return—though some still with expectations attached. Mostly about unburdening themselves. And usually stuff I hadn’t needed either.

Other times, like today, the offer is exactly what I need and thus delightfully received.

This is the presence.

The offer comes from a place of presence, some sensing, some whispering to make the offer.

And then the presence to receive.

But, offering can become a compulsive habit of giving, an irresistible urge, and thus an unconscious act.

These offerings are constant, they’re happening all the time.

Giving, giving, giving. These are the ones with strings attached. 

All different kinds of strings were behind my own constant giving in the past. From the sense of comfort found in leading and thus controlling to the joy of being seen for my thoughtfulness.

Leading and being thoughtful come naturally to me. That’s a gift. 

If they are used to serve, not to be served.

And, they are only part of the equation.

Following and receiving attention are the balance. Those do not come as naturally to me.

My community and especially my “pit crew” have offered so much recently. Opportunities to follow their lead.

Even before my knee injury several weeks ago, I sensed the shift this year. A season of following and receiving, of opening and connecting more deeply, embracing wholeness.

Necessary learning journeys, I’m certain. Far from comfortable.

The universe constantly offers disruption that keeps us alert and so far this summer season has been especially “helpful.” Things keep changing. Each day new information shows up. Lots of new beginnings.

So yes, I believe I have been receiving more than usual lately. And it usually feels great!

Summer is a season of connection. A time to speak from the heart.

​Say what you mean, mean what you say.

And a time to receive what ever it is you most need right now. The things you can name and say out loud and the things others are seeing and offering.

May your heart and hands lay wide open this week.


I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

News from Jules | 07.09.2018 | Finding the One

one lesson about integrity every week

It takes a village to raise a child, they say.

Well, I say: it takes a race track to sustain an adult.

There’s nothing like a big change or injury recovery to remind us.

We are the only one in the driver’s seat of our own life—our race car. But, to stay on the track and in the race, we need support.

I know, I know. Not that life is about winning or losing, that’s not the point of the metaphor.

The point is the support:

  • The pit crew that quickly changes the tires, tightens bolts, cleans mirrors
  • The sponsors who contribute and show their support
  • The fans who show up and cheer along

Over the last month of limited mobility as my knee has been healing from the bike accident, there has been so much of this support.

So much more of this support, I should say.

We always need a pit crew, sponsors, fans. Not just when big things happen, but in our day-to-day when little things are broken or healing.

These people are often in flux, relative to the circumstances of our life—a reason, a season, a lifetime—and and to our needs at that time—emotional, physical, spiritual, all of the above and/or more.

As such, sometimes they’re on a project right now or sometimes they’re a best friend in a cycle of closeness.

My longest standing, closest friendship is going on 22 years. Most of which we’ve lived in different countries. There have been months without communication. Right now, we text every few days.

It’s not actually about the years or depth, but there is always a meaningful connection with these people.

That’s why they’re your pit crew, your sponsors, your fans, not just some person in the stands, some acquaintance in your life.

Bottomline, all of this support doesn’t fall on “the one.” There is no “the one.” 

That’s the advice I was given during graduate school about finding a professional mentor and about finding a husband, actually. Same goes for a best friend. So stop looking.

“You can’t meet all your needs through one person,” she said.

Not only because one person can’t shoulder this burden, but because they can’t be good at everything, nor available all the time.

It’s been very clear to me these last few weeks that I could not have depended on one person to do everything I needed. And if I had, that one “relationship bank account” as Stephen Covey described, would have been way overdrawn.

Especially if that one person was myself. 

Instead, I look to my pit crew. And my sponsors. And my fans. 

But, especially my pit crew. Because they have the capacity, the skills, the attention to offer right now. To be in the thick of it with me. Not just cheering me along, but rotating the tires and getting me back out there on the track.

Who’s in your pit crew right now? Who’s crew are you in?

As an aggregate, I believe this is how we can “find” the one, how we stay whole, how we stay true to the only “one”: our soul, our self. This is a whole life.

May your wheels be greased and your road smooth this week.


I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

News from Jules | 06.25.2018 | What Are You Protecting?

one lesson about integrity every week

We know more than we think we know.

Many wise people talk about this. And I believe it too.

Then, how come we so often think we know things that we are actually clueless about? Things we can’t know. Yet.

Perhaps we are too “lost in the energy of the problem”?

As Michael Singer wrote in The Untethered Soul:

No solution can possibly exist while you’re lost in the energy of the problem. And…generally problems are not what they appear to be.

Well, that’s the truth, isn’t it?

Problems need to calm down. They need to breath.

They need space so that one can get to the heart of what’s actually going on. What actually needs to be overcome.

When my bike hydroplaned on the wet rail tracks and my knee slammed into the concrete three Sundays ago, I knew immediately that my knee was a problem.

Week One:

  • Within the hour it swelled up and I couldn’t bend it to climb even one stair. Uh oh.
  • On advice from a friend with First Aid experience and my trusty Healthwise Handbook, I waited for the swelling to settle down.

Week Two:

  • Then, I went in to get x-rays that confirmed no break, fracture or sprain.
  • But, still I could barely walk. My knee was too swollen for the docs to really know what was going on.

Week Three:

  • I saw the physical therapist (PT) a few days ago and now we know: it’s a strained MCL (ligament that runs along the inside of the knee) and knee cap contusion (which is a fancy name for bruising, but I like it because it sounds as bad as it hurts).
  • My PT nodded when I asked: “On a scale of 1 to 5 for knee injuries, this is a 1, huh?”
Not that bad, all things considered.

Still a problem right now.

But, one that she could not have diagnosed this specifically when she had so little information to work with 12 days ago.

“No solution can possibly exist while you’re lost in the energy of the problem.”

When I first read this in April, I wondered: what problems do I need to settle into deeper?

Which might be a question that’s echoing in the back of your mind right now.

I see now that it’s not a matter of me going deeper into a problem—that’s just getting more lost in the energy of the problem.

It’s the energy that needs to settle. The energy is protecting something.

Something pretty important, probably. What are you protecting?

Once the energy dissipates, then we can see what it’s protecting and why it flared up.

We have to move past being consumed in the energy of the problem in order to get back to a place of wholeness, to a calm, creative place of seeing things the way they actually are.

So that we can see the many—specific and useful—ways they could be different.

And that is how we stay whole even, and especially, as we heal.

After all, the whole cannot be whole without all of you.

May this week bring you extra space and discovery,

I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

News from Jules | 06.18.2018 | What If the Storm Never Passes?

one lesson about integrity every week

You can wait for the storm to pass or you can learn how to bike in the rain.

Okay, the real quote is about dancing in the rain. But, the point sticks.

Life is about living.

And living it to the fullest, I believe.

Not the busiest. Full as in rich and satisfying.

Which life reminds us can equally take the form of being, as well as the doing.

I decided to go car-free in June as part of my ongoing Buy Nothing experiment and this year’s curiosity about my relationship with energy, our natural resources and my own. What are the trade-offs? Consequences? Benefits?

Feeling good about completing 48 miles (biking + running and walking) in the first week, I was all in. Rain all weekend? No problem!

Well, you know how cars can hyrdoplane on oily roads made slick by heavy rains after a dry spell? You guessed it. Bikes can too!

“Oh no” is right.

First week: 48 miles
Second week: 0 miles

Perhaps my life storm has not fully passed after the chaotic, one-thing-after-another month of May?

I was so hoping the shampoo breakthrough meant it had passed.

Laid up with a battered knee, I find myself in a surprisingly familiar state of mind. A living reminder right now, as well as an inspiring poster on my wall:

When one thing flows to another. When choices are obvious. When needs are met. And then some. When time is irrelevant. And the only place to be is here. ​

The time has been a gift. While recovery is new to me, retreats are not.

I cherish these times of being.

My sense has been that I mostly need to rest up and to focus any work on what’s critical, so that my body can focus on healing as quickly and effectively as possible. I am learning so much about my energy.

This is living life to the fullest right now.

By doing very little, but being very present in this opportunity.

Watching amazing documentaries about the Internet like Lo & Behold, reading excellent writing like Sherman Alexie’s memoir You Don’t have to Say You Love Me and interesting blog posts about bringing spirituality into your work, connecting online with new entrepreneur friends. All from my 40-year-old armchair, with my knee elevated and on ice.

As my needs become simpler, my life feels more effortless. My perspective grows broader and my heart opens wider. I am feeling grounded in what is truly essential as I haven’t felt in awhile.

Greg McKweon wrote in Essentialism about the disciplined pursuit of less:

“To discern what is truly essential we need space to think, time to look and listen, permission to play, wisdom to sleep, and the discipline to apply highly selective criteria to the choices we make. Ironically in [our] culture these things—space, listening, playing, sleeping and selecting—can be seen as trivial distractions.”

I think I finally see the whole vision of how Everyday Integrity will guide people to stay centered in this increasingly distracting world.

As the saying goes, life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. Perhaps this bike accident and injury is an eye of the storm?

Either way, I’m learning how to dance (on crutches) in the rain.

May you move safely and simply through the week that you are given,

I share a lesson learned about integrity every Monday. Sign up for delivery right to your inbox. Want more? There’s lots more lessons learned here on my blog, so have fun exploring and commenting about your own insights! 

What We’re Taking For Granted

What we’re taking for granted is how much we’re already doing everyday.

Whether you have a written (or typed) to-do list or a mental one.

Whether it’s organized by big rock or it’s a long stream of consciousness.

I’ll bet you are already doing critical things every day that really matter.

Exponential Benefits of Doing Things Every Day

The other day I listened to this podcast where Anthony Ongaro of described the benefits of doing the same thing every day.

These were new-ish things Ongaro wanted to build into his routine in the new year, like reading more books so his goal was 20 pages a day. He was amazed at how this led to reading 2 novels in the first month of his experiment.

When he said he was doing 6 things every day that sounded like a lot to me.

I wondered, Are there 6 things that I’m doing every day?

Well, maybe not every day since when I observe Sabbath on Saturdays all bets are off — no work, no plans, offline.

But, the other six days a week?

Six Things x Six Days a Week

I was surprised at how quickly the little constants added up as I started to make a list.

And my list kept going past six things!

The first six were not new things like Ongaro, but what I’ve already been doing.

These 6 things have become habit.

Not in a routine per se, but as part of my daily rhythm, especially in the last few months since I switched up my work flow to prioritize writing.

Amazingly each small thing does act as a trigger to greater benefits that really matter.

This is probably why they’ve become habits that I take for granted.

Because the reward greatly outweighs the effort and the benefits contribute to my larger life priorities.

Right now, that’s devotion to obeying my body and building up my new lifestyle business (including this blog).

Here are the six things I’m doing every day:

Drink Lemon Water

A large glass of room temperature lemon water with 1/2 a lemon squeezed usually prepared the evening before and drank sooner than later in the morning seems to set my metabolism to better process food for the rest of the day and regulate my hunger. It has something to do with lemon processing as alkaline and balancing my body’s pH according to Joshi whose holistic detox I’ve done every new years since 2012. So I guess I’ve been drinking lemon water every day for the last 7 years! Whoa.

do Physical Therapy (PT) Exercises

I have 6 exercises at the moment to rehabilitate my right shoulder injured in yoga assigned by my physical therapist. This is the 5th time I have done PT since my 20s and I think the first time that I’m taking it seriously. Every day really adds up. I feel stronger and can do more at yoga each week, not only with my shoulder but my core strength as well. What’s been key is integrating the exercises into my movement throughout the cottage. Each one is assigned to a place I pass by that triggers a mental reminder.

say Grounding Prayers

There are 4 “prayers” that ground me at my personal altar, that holds my intentions for this spring season of renewal (see image above), and sets the tone for the day. Four sounds like a lot but it’s pretty simple and only takes about 5-10 minutes. I read the same poem from E.E. Cummings, then I read the same prayer from Julia Cameron, then I say my own prayer of thanks and blessings to the altar, then I review what really matters for the day.

Make a Meal

An egg for breakfast, tacos for lunch or a salad for dinner are some of the usuals. Many days I make all of my meals since I work from home. Even just cooking one meal aligns me with eating healthy and within my dietary needs. It also helps keep me on budget. And when the weather is nice, I often eat my meals outside, so I get a beautiful, slow, grateful eating experience.

Drink Hot Tea

Usually green (often Sencha), sometimes chamomile or black, I drink many cups of tea a day. I tried a cup of coffee once and it gave me a stomach ache. So, I’ve stuck with tea (Public Service Announcement: which I’ve learned can also make one nausea if too acidic on an empty stomach). It is absolutely ritualistic. The tea, the steam, the warm beverage, the big mug calms and hydrates me.

Go Outside

My home has a back deck with a luscious English garden-style yard, a 31-acre “front yard” via the arboretum park across the street and my neighborhood has a 96% walkability rating. I relish in this access to being outside and in touch with nature. Going outside I breathe in fresh air, I connect with the world outside my head and home and I find so much perspective, especially in how nature dwarfs our human-made world.

Habituated, But Very Intentional

All so simple and yet so profound.

I haven’t always done these things every day. It’s cumulative from lessons learned, practices adopted and necessities prioritized (for instance, doing PT right now).

Nowadays, I take it for granted that I’m doing them every day. And how much I benefit.

These 6 things take mere minutes each, yet are clearly so important—essential—to my life. As I reflect on and write about each I can see how they contribute to me staying centered in my wholeness.

And from this place of wholeness I can offer more energy toward the other essentials I’m actively building my life around right now: writing, teaching, selling, exercising and having fun!

Give Yourself Some Credit

So, what are 6 things that you’re already doing every day?

I bet you could jot them down right now in less than 6 minutes.

And I’ll bet it’s pretty surprising to see how necessary and affirming these small acts of devotion are for yourself.

Look how much of what really matters we’re already doing every day.